Hi guys i am woundering are there manny ppl playing league here tell me your name,rank,server,main lane,champ ect...
My name Bilbobaggins77(14 days banned now// too toxic xD)
Playing on my new acc now :Windows8Ultimate
Rank:Silver 2
Main champs Vi,Vayne (was rengar)
Main lane : I would say i pref Adc more than jg rn
League of Legends
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2022 5:34 am
Re: League of Legends
Hello everyone, I recently installed League of Legends on my Windows 10 computer. But friends, the first few days I had no longer any issues while playing the game. But since yesterday when I play the game, after a few minutes of playing, I was getting this error "League of Legends error 003." Could anyone please help me to solve the issue?
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2022 5:34 am
Re: League of Legends
After posting the thread here, I searched online and came across this guide. I followed some useful methods from there. First I run the Hextech repair tool and temporarily disabled security software. After doing the tasks properly, I had no longer any issues while playing the game.
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