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Battlegrounds Game Mode

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:25 pm
by Balrog
People keep asking me to set up an MTA PUBG server, and DayZ server 2 isn't doing well at all, so I'm probably going to replace it with one of those soon. The problem is I have no idea which version is the preferred one, since different servers seem to use different resources ("Battle Royale" seems to be the favourite but there are probably several different versions of that one alone), and I have no idea where to find any working versions of it at all. I found one download but it doesn't seem to work and I don't know if it's even a good version of the game mode. If anyone knows where to download a fully working game mode resource that I can use, preferably one that isn't compiled so I can modify the code, please link it.

Re: Battlegrounds Game Mode

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:40 am
by Balrog
It doesn't look like this idea is going to be possible, but I've thought of another possibility. I have a feeling most people won't be interested in it but I'm not sure, so please vote in this poll.